File name Zenith TV chassis Titan 110 from ETD 1971-9-10.pdfELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN CEALER SEPTEMBER 1971
Exploring Zenith's
Titan 110 Color -TV Chassis
by Joseph Zauhar
Five plug-in modules employing plug-in
transistors and integrated circuits provide
fo easier and simpler servicing
As new color -TV receivers ap- that it has many useful features-
pear on the market, it is very obvi- not only for the customer, but the
ous that modular solid-state circuit- service technician as well. Their ad-
ry will soon dominate the color -TV justments are simplified with the use
field. As an example, Zenith has of new TINT, COLOR LEVEL, BRIGHT-
just introduced its first all solid-state NESS, CONTRAST and VERTICAL
color chassis, called the Titan 110, HOLD controls. By turning each con-
employing five modular circuits. trol until its red -line indicator is in
After reading the product re- the 12 o'clock position, a satisfac-
leases with great interest, we or- tory picture is obtained-or the con-
dered Zenith's Model C4787P con- trol can be adjusted to customized
sole color -TV set, employing the setting if they are desired. By re-
25CC55 chassis. Upon viewing this moving two screws (Fig. 1), the
TV set from the front, we noted speaker can be removed to provide
access to the convergence board for
up -front adjustments.
The 25CC55 chassis that we ex-
amined (Fig. 2) is of all solid-state
design similar to last year's 40BC50
chassis. But since that chassis was
never produced in commercial